How It All Began, Part II

How It All Began, Part II

“How It All Began” Sounds like the opening words of an essay by Denis Diderot.. So, why not begin start with style. Allez. I assure you that my posts will be full of joy and light, because joyful and light is exactly how I imagine the personality of Send...
Understanding the Love Languages

Understanding the Love Languages

Lasting relationships, whether romantic or platonic, require intentional commitment and attention over time to truly thrive. They ask us to be empathetic towards others’ needs, understanding of their experiences, and in some cases require us to be willing to...
Paris is Always a Good Idea

Paris is Always a Good Idea

Just for you, I did a little digging around the internets to discover and confirm that no, the title of today’s post is not in fact a quote from Audrey Hepburn and the 1954 film, Sabrina. It was en fait, uttered by Julie Ormond in the ’95 remake with Harrison Ford. At...
Love; The Grandest Adventure

Love; The Grandest Adventure

My apologies for the late arrival of this post. It’s been a strange week with re-confinement and a new couvre feu coming into effect here in metropolitan France and.. everything else that is going on at the moment. So what better time to soothe your woes with a...
5 Things to Include in your Letter

5 Things to Include in your Letter

So you’ve decided to start writing a letter. Perhaps you’re a seasoned professional when it comes to signing birthday cards and composing thank you notes, but maybe.. Maybe you’re unsure of where exactly to begin. Here’s a list of 5 important things that you can...
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